Gyana for B2B Saas

Kickstart your product-lead growth without writing code

Gyana is the reporting tool you've been looking for. All your integrations, flexible and affordable.

Connect your web application

Gyana supports most databases, out of the box. Select the specific database tables, from users to projects to tasks.

Bring together all your data

Product analytics, subscription revenue, CRM, marketing automation and more. Finally, bring it all together in one place, and start to understand it.


Browse by category

Learn more about our pre-built and custom integrations

Build your report

Combine data sources to understand retention, churn and product-market fit. Gyana is a like a spreadsheet, where everything is automated.


Prepare your data

Our visual editor makes it easy. Connect data processing steps like Filter Join Formula and watch as automation does all the heavy lifting for you. Your workflows can be as simple or as complex as you design them.

Unify analytics and user data • Track user journey • Export segments

Explore our workflow nodes

Showcase your metrics

It's like making a presentation, but with live data sources that never break. Drag and drop widgets like Pie Funnel Embed , customize your theme and share branded links.

CPA • LTV • Churn • MRR • NRR • AAARR • TTV • PQLs

Customize your report

Yes, it's really that simple.

No data warehouse or spreadsheet messes. With Gyana for B2B Saas, thousands of Gyana customers have built their own custom reports. Want to get started faster? We'll build your reports for you .

Try Gyana

Get started building your report in minutes

Join thousands of Gyana users worldwide, discover a better way to build custom reports.