
How our data scientist showed us the future of business presentations

Andrew Li

Andrew Li

April 14, 2022 • 2 min

The lightbulb moment when your team members start using their own product.

That’s how I felt when our data scientist Sascha presented in our company monthly meeting using a Gyana dashboard because “it was better than using slides”.

Sascha presenting how many issues the engineering team resolved

Sascha presenting how many issues the engineering team resolved

The few minutes that followed as he presented I saw the past, present and future of Gyana.

The Past: From code to no-code

It’s humbling to reflect upon how the engineering team built this from nothing in last couple of years: the hours of coding that they have put in, to create a tool that we now can all use, with no code.

A simple drag and drop interface, connection of the functions, connection of the data source, and your data analytics pipeline is up and running.

Data sources -> Union -> Formula transformation -> Results

Data sources -> Union -> Formula transformation -> Results

The Present: Data-driven reporting, with the latest data

There was really no need for Sascha to use slides. The dashboard (which can expand to have multiple “pages”) were the slides.

He had all the important metrics on the top of the page, and as he presented he could move his cursor over interactive graphs that showed details in tooltips.

Drilling down into the details for January

Drilling down into the details for January

Having worked with the Gyana myself, I knew that the data in the dashboard was directly connected to the data source via the data integration.

Whilst Sascha didn’t mention it explicitly, I knew he was presenting us with the latest data (and not data he had pulled out from the data source earlier in the week).

The Future: The new standard for business presentations

Yes, it is possible to do similar dashboard and presentations on our competitors’ software. But can they be done by people at all levels of the company? Most team members would need the assistance of the resident data experts to make these dashboards.

Currently in the business world, the general expectation is to use slides at any given business meeting.

And the future of Gyana is this: Gyana’s live and interactive dashboards will replace slides, as the new standard for any business presentation.

Our own data scientist showed us the way forward - our team at Gyana is very much looking forward to making that future a reality.